SEGES Innovation is a private, independent, non-profit research and development organization and offers solutions for the agriculture and food sector of tomorrow. SEGES Innovation aim to develop business opportunities in close partnerships with our customers, research institutes, and companies worldwide.
SEGES Innovation works to identify and develop the commercial possibilities of agriculture and build a bridge between research and practical farming. The main objective is to provide farmers and companies within the agri-food sector with the best options for running their businesses more profitably while taking the environment and animal welfare into consideration. Thus, partnerships are an essential part of SEGES Innovation with collaborations between universities, research institutes, public authorities, farmers, and commercial businesses all over the world. Knowledge sharing is an integral part of the company´s strategy with open-mindedness and transparency being a fundamental principle.
SEGES Innovation covers all aspects of farming and farm management from crops, livestock, and finance to the development of software solutions, training and development of farm employees and business strategies.
The primary R&D is done through different research centres and departments within cattle (dairy and beef), pig production, crops, and environment. SEGES Innovation covers almost all activities within agriculture from feeding, nutrition, animal welfare, nutrient management, plant protection with the primary focus to secure a sustainable agricultural production now – and in the future.
Together with the research centres, the digital department, SEGES Digital, develops software solutions for farmers, agricultural advisors the agri-food sector. SEGES Digital has more than 40 years of digital experience and has access to comprehensive databases covering 90 percent of all Danish fields, 100 per cent of Danish cows and financial data from almost 30.000 farms. The large datasets provide the basis for both innovation, new digital solutions, and services.
Agro Food Park 15
8200 Aarhus N
(+45) 4466 6688